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Tiffany Sets them while my jeans were

Dh wants me to buy clothes at the salvation army Okay, no offense to anyone who does or needs to buy used clothes, i don"t think it"s a bad thing.I don"t do it, i just don"t like that kind of shopping.I hate rummaging through piles or racks of old smelly clothes(And by smelly, i mean with the scent of mothballs, or that icky steam vac they use to clean them)Just to find maybe 1 item that is clean, looks good, fits my kids right, etc. I hate buying used clothes.I don"t do garage sales unless i have a specific item in mind, like a table or chairs, or bed frame(Nope, i don"t do the used mattress thing either, because right now, dh and i are sleeping on a used mattress, and it sucks, and dsd has a bigger used mattress in her room, but it was used by one person for about 3 weeks before we bought it)Or maybe if i"m buying a bicycle.I don"t buy used clothes and i don"t rummage through garage sales for clothes.When i was a single mom, struggling to get by, i did without certain things so that my child could have new clothes, even if they were cheap.My dh grew up wealthy, and i grew up thinking that my family was poor.Never had the nice things that other families had, so i assumed we didn"t have any money.I found out later, my parents had plenty of money, they just spent it on themselves.Clothes and shoes for Tiffany Sets them, while my jeans were too small and my shoes had holes in them.Mom bought me used clothes, used shoes, used books, etc and i was teased at school for the way i dressed.Other kids said i looked dirty.Don"t want my kids to go through that, but explaining to dh that this is my reason, well, that"s kinda hard.Doesn"t understand what it"s like to do without.Has no idea how it feels to know that you have to shop at the salvation army.Now that he and i are financially stable, and we own our home, and our bills are paid and there is leftover money every month, i think it"s okay that i buy my kids clothes at old navy on clearance!Don"t spend more than 15-20 dollars on a sweatShirt or pair of jeans, and I rarely spend more than 10 dollars on a t-Shirt.I love rummage sales.So it all works out, but i know i have a clothes shopping addiction so i try to be as thrifty as i can be.All the curtains in our house, second hand but our sheets always new.And everything i make sure i bleach or wash a few times before wearing or selling because you just dont know.I understand where you might be coming from, but maybe you might enjoy it.Leave the kid with hubby, eat something first then go shopping!If you have a good mindset your more likely to find some fun, vintage or new clothes! Comming from a family that had to shop at those places as well as dh"s family did, no i don"t think your stupid for it.Dh and i did agree a long ago that we wanted our kids to have everything we had to do without.I try to shop at cheaper stores for our son and my things as well or if i shop department stores i shop sales my one weakness is shoes i have to have good shoes but thats because i have a horrible back and knee from a childhood accident and only higher end shoes have the contouring i need. I would tell him how you feel and try to go one step further take him into these places and show him why you don"t like it this may or may not work but i hope you can find some way to compromise. There"s no problem with wanting to buy your baby new clothing at all, i sometimes go to value village and may find something there but sometimes it is just as cheap to buy clothes at the old navy and the clothes will usually last longer than used clothing.You do what you are comfortable with for your little baby, you are saving money in other ways.And buying clothes at old navy when the sales are on are awesome, i love the old navy: )Take care and happy shopping: )Also when you are finished using the old navy clothes you can sell them and make some of the money back as well, sometimes half the money! I dont see what the problem is with wearing used clothes.My parents bought garage sale clothes and i never felt like i was missing out.They didnt just buy crap they only bought what was instyle and fit us.My dd is not missing out at all because i garage sell some.She gets some new clothes.I actually went this page to shopping at old navy and childrens place about 2 weeks ago.I spent about 80 dollars.I got 2dresses *both clearance* 1 pair of jeans 2 shirts.Then because everything was so expensive i couldnt get everything she needed so yesterday i went to goodwill.Got 3 dresses 5shirts 3skirts and a dress for me and spent 13 dollars.One of the dresses and 2 of the shirts were oldnavy!I had a good time and felt proud of the money i saved.Of course i will wash them a couple times before she wears them but children grow out of clothes so fast its not worth it to spend 10 dollars *or more* on every shirt they have. I got an almost new pro football jacket and a gymboree jacket for my twins for bucks the other day.Little ones only wear these items for a few months and then they are outgrown.I see no reason not to be selective and take advantage of consignment stores.And none of it is cleaned first.The place i bought those two jackets is a donation center, but they wash everything in their store first.Money for pg crisis counseling and is well worth it imo.I also hate the smell you find at bigger donation centers, but i have found wonderful books, skates, even brand new shoes with tags for cheap.If your clothes have holes in them, fix the holes.If they smell, use febreeze laundry or another detergent that smells good.I get annoyed when i look and see stained or damaged clothing, but at the consignment stores that rarely happens bc they won"t buy stuff that isn"t in sellable shape.I wish i had been more frugal with my first, but i didn"t have the push to try and save then, working two jobs and being a new mom i shopped at all the brand name stores.I feel much smarter now.I do off the clearance rack at strausburg(Sp? )Every season-My boys always have one or two really nice pieces of clothing, but i am not spending $25-75 dollars for a sweater or coat for one season.Especially after finding some of the great deals that i have found in the last years.I suspect much of your dislike stems from your past experience;Why not research the nicest consignment stores or check out a multiples sale?You might be pleasantly surprised.It doesn"t mean you can"t ever buy something somewhat extravagant-Esp on clearance! I love garage sales.There is a lady in my area that has 2 a year and has a son that is a size larger than mine.They seem to like the same things so i try to hit atleast 1 of her sales.My family farms so all his play clothes are used.There are countles times he stains a shirt/pants the first time he wears them outside.I don"t see spending alot of money for him to ruin them the first time he wears them. I have also found brand new clothes at our local thrift shop.Most of his good clothes are new, but almost all are purchased on sale.I don"t like spending much for my clothes so i don"t for his.He grows way to fast.I love kohls.I will shop the clearance and use the % off coupons i get.I also try to buy a lot of things a season ahead from the clearance section. I"m expecting #2 in march(The saMe month ds was born)And saved just about everything from him.I"m wearing my maternity clothes from 4 yrs ago.I tried to buy classic pieces so i could wear them later.I"m just hoping #2 grows at about the saMe rate ds did so most of the clothes will be used again.If we have a girl, i will just use the things that aren"t really boyish.His good winter coat this year is actually a hand-Me-Down that looks brand new.I will have to buy a snowsuit for playing and boots, but we have been buying 2 snowsuits and boots. I also resell things that i get at garage sales and resale shops.This also brings in a little money.Once #2 is out of a clothing size, we are selling or giving it away. Guess i am extreme on both sides.I buy my ods and odd mostly all brand names.It"s amazing how cruel kids can be about clothes.We don"t have a lot of $ but we live by a housing plan with lots of $$$.All of the kids go to school together so i really try to make sure my school age kids have the right name brands on.Probably stupid but kids are under so much more stress these days, i just don"t want them to have any extra.Do shop at walmart too.I buy leggins and shoes and stuff like that there. On the other hand, my 19 month old only has about 4 outfits that are new.Don"t get me wrong, he has a ton of clothes but they are almost all used.They are adorable and clean-Just not new.I figure kids grow so fast at this age, most clothes get grown out of before they get ruined. I do garage sales but i only buy stuff that is current and in good shape.Normally stuff i buy you never can tell if it is used.And i also do the sales.I found at jcpennys that sometimes their toddler outfits are 50% or but 1 get one for $1, same thing anyway.Or old navy always has sales.But if you are not financially suffering, buy your babies new clothes if you want to!I don"t do salvation army or goodwill because i have never found anything good there!Here those stores have all like 15-20 year old clothes, looks like someone decided to clean out the attic! I agree, tiffany, the salvation army here is nasty and the clothes are so outdated.And ew.I did donate all of my own old work clothes there, they were fairly new, but i had lost the weight and was determined not to gain it back, so i donated them. As far as my kids go, in my ds"s school, they don"t really pay attention to brand.The area of the city where we live is the part where rich meets poor and most of the families shop at the same mall, most of the kids where the same brands, old navy, gap, genuine kids(Gotta love target! )And the usual younkers brands like calvin klein(Which you can get at costco)Tommy hilfiger and those types.Your prada"s your guccis or your dkny, but definitely not wal mart.I have seen some kids there in clothes that i know came from wal mart, but i only knew that because my own ds used to wear nothing but clothes from the dollar general and wal mart.I said, when he was little i had to sacrifice a lot for him to have new clothes, but they were still cheap clothes, even then. I know it"s kinda petty, but it means a lot to me that i can go out and purchase brand new clothes for my kids.Clothes, that are durable.Is a favorite of mine, too recently.I discovered click here to see more info that they carry my step daughters size and my two boys" sizes.Always have a rack that is 50% or 60 % off here, and i love it.Though, i"ve only bought stuff that isn"t 50 or 60% off, maybe once or twice.One or two items.Dh can"t disagree with a 5 dollar long sleeved t-Shirt for the 3 year old who just out grew all off his 2t"s and is moving right through 3t"s into 4t"s! Ladies, i feel a lot better now.If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.Please review the privacy policy and terms of use before using this site.Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the terms of use.